Top 10 Selling Novels of All Time, Best Selling Novels of All Time

Top 10 Best Selling Novels of all Time

Along with movies and video games one the favorite pastime of people is reading books. The books and book reading is not dead, nor is it going to be in the near or foreseeable future. As the success of Harry Potter and Chetan Bhagat books point out; easy to understand and interesting books always find huge readership.
But ever wondered which are the top bestselling novels of all time that should find a place in your personal library? 
 Well, we have made such a list that will help you discover the gems you might have missed.

Top 10 Books

The Da Vinci Code

If the writer’s pervious novel were any indication than Dan Brown’s latest book was destined to be another average novel. But the publishers had confidence in the writer and the book and send advance copies to every reviewer of any importance. The novel went on to make history, becoming the most successful thriller in recent history. With more than 80 million copies sold world-wide the book published in 2003 sparked global interest in the origins of Christianity. The central theme of the book is - Did Jesus survive the crucifixion and did he father a bloodline with Mary?

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

This books tells the story of four children who escape from London that is bombed in WW 2. They go to a house in the countryside, where they accidentally find a gateway to the magical kingdom of Narnia through the wardrobe. The children’s fairytale was published in1950 and sold more than 85 million copies. Though the writer C.S. Lewis wrote two more books of the series, the original tale is still considered to be his masterpiece.

She: A History of Adventure

One of the most influential novels of its time, it tells the story of Ayesha – the white queen and sorceress in the heart of Africa. When a group of Englishmen travelled to the distant and lost civilization ruled by the mysterious woman; they discover that no man can resist her charm. The woman who has been alive for more than 2,000 years has conquered death. What happens next hooked generations of readers and created a new genre in writing. Released in 1887, the novel has sold more than 100 million copies and has been translated in more than 44 languages.

The Hobbit

After you climb Mt. Everest which peak do you climb? J.R.R.T Tolkien must have faced the same dilemma after writing The Lord of the Rings – one of the most successful adventure novels ever written. And then he came up with a brilliant idea; to write a prequel to the novel with Hobbit – this book tells the story of the Hobbit and midgets looking for the lost kingdom of gold and battling with a fire breathing dragon and a range of enemies. This is essentially the story BEFORE the Lord of the Rings. It has also been made a successful Hollywood trilogy and can be read either before or after the main story as per your preference. Published in 1937 it has sold more than 100 million copies and has been translated into all major languages.

Dream of the Red Chamber

Written by Cao Xueqin and published in the 18th Century, this novel is considered the greatest novel in the Chinese language ever written. It tells the story of two Chinese clans of prestige with great attention to detail of the life in that era. Literature, music, medicine and numerous others aspects of Chinese culture at that time are covered. First complete English edition was published in 1980. It has sold more than 100 million copies world-wide and is considered a tour-de-force, and essential for those who want to understand China and its civilization.

And Then There Were None

The only crime thriller in the best seller list of all time is by Agatha Christie. Published in 1939 it is the only detective fiction to have clocked more than 100 million copies in print – an unheard of phenomena. It tells the story of 10 people tricked into come to an island, where they are murdered one by one for their complicity in a murder. Does that remind you of Manoj Kumar & Mehmood movie, Gumnaam, with its famous song, ‘Hum kale hai to kya hua dil wale hai?’ Agatha must be turning in her grave on that adaptation. It has been made into uncountable movies and plays over the years and is the most successful Agatha Christie book.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

And let the adventure begin – that should have been the opening lines of J.K.Rowlings’ first book of the Harry Potter series. Not even the author, a divorcee living on government pension, nor the editor who selected the book only because the publisher’s daughter liked it could have anticipated the wild success of the book. Published in 1997 the book has sold more than 107 million copies and has spawned an entire cottage industry of the boy-wizard memorabilia.

The Little Prince

Voted the best book of the 20th Century in France, it sells 2 million copies each year. The novella written by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry tells the story of the little prince who has fallen from an asteroid. It is a philosophical look at life and human relations with memorable quotes like, ‘One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye’. Published in 1943 and translated in more than 250 languages, it is the most read book ever written in French. With more than 140 million copies sold world-wide it deserves to be in the must read list of any book lover.

The Lord of the Rings

J.R.R.T Tolkien’s epic adventure, set in middle earth has fascinated generation of reader across the world. The magic, mystery and high octane adventure with memorable characters have inspired a generation of writers and movie directors. The intertwined storylines and the sheer breadth of the story make it a masterpiece. Published in 1954, the book has sold more than 150 million copies world-wide; though with millions of pirated copies circulating the true figure will never be known. It has also been made a highly success Hollywood movie franchisee.

A Tale of Two Cities

And at number one we have one of the best works of Charles Dickens. Considered one of the icons of modern literature, the poor boy and worker turned writer is famous for his realistic writing and believable characters. Set in Pre-French revolution London and Paris, this historical fiction tells the arrogance of aristocracy and the brutality of the revolutionists in the consequent revolution. The novel was published in weekly installments in Dickens’s journal in 1859 and later printed as a book. It has sold more than 200 million copies worldwide and rivals with Holy Bible as the most sold and read book ever.


They educate, entertain and enthrall us; there is something about stories that draws us towards them. And books are rightfully considered a man’s truest friend. It is also said that 'The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.’ So, when are you planning to start reading your next book? Sharing is caring; do share this post will those who you think will find it interesting. As always we will love to read your reactions.


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